Friday, August 24, 2012

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight."  Proverbs 3:5,6

This verse has become my anchor these days. While I've many times in my life managed to defeat the fear that often holds me the past year it's been pretty hard for me to shake.  It takes different forms, and can be disguised in different ways.  There are many things to call it that make it seem less like the sin that it is.  Its sister is "worry".  Actually, I've only recently come to recognize that "worry" is just another word for "fear".  I'm learning more and more to let it go.  I long to totally release it all to my Father in Heaven, and to live day by day. help myself, I've broken this verse down a bit, in an effort to apply it to my unique mental process.

Trust:  To be confident, bold or sure.  
With all:  The whole; hence all, any or every
Your heart:  Feelings, the will and even the intellect
Lean:   Lie, rely, rest
Your own understanding: Wisdom, knowledge, insight
Your ways:  on your journey, course of life, a road
Acknowledge: Think about, reveal, recognize, consider, have respect, 
Path:  Way, travel, destiny, course
Straight:  Right, pleasant, prosperous, upright

 "Martha, Martha ("Kathy, Kathy") you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is necessary.  Mary has made the right choice, and it will not be taken away from her"  Luke 30:41, 4

I take the liberty to insert my own name here at I "hear" Jesus telling me that I "worry about many things".  What did Mary not have taken away from her?  Sitting at Jesus feet, and listening to his words.  So when I hear him say "Kathy, Kathy..." lovingly, comfortingly, beckoning me to sit with Him, and be with Him...I know it's time to do so.  

I've got a lot of life on my plate these days...but I want to acknowledge Him in all my ways, and walk not by power and not by might, but by His day at a time.