Friday, September 4, 2009


This week's lesson from God in my daily life has been humility. I have found myself in 3 different situations that required me to apologize to someone. When I was on my way to my 3rd yesterday, I prayed "God...please let me learn what you are trying to teach me here, and learn it quickly, because I really want to be done with this lesson!"

I love it when you can actually recognize God's hand in your life. When it is incredibly obvious that He is working...I feel so special to have Him working in me! I've no doubt that He is working through my family right now.

Anyway...back to humility. A situation at work deserved the apologies. I was actively and purposefully rude (yes...for me it's odd...but unfortunately true). But one situation...I did nothing wrong. As a matter of fact...I deserved to receive that apology, not give it. But God called for me to apologize anyway. Wow...that was a hard one! But I refuse to let the devil have a foothold in this one. I must be in right relationship with Him right is vital in the spiritual warfare I'm in the midst of.

I'm not sure how God can possibly turn a specific situation in our family around to bring Glory to Himself. Seems impossible to me. But "impossible" is His specialty! I can't wait to see the end of this one!

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