Saturday, March 13, 2010

His grace is sufficient

It seems these days, that there is always an ache deep inside my heart. There is much in my life to be grateful for, that is for sure. But there is a huge "issue" that continues to break my heart, and sometimes it clouds my vision. Sometimes it makes the blessings seem as though they are covered by clouds, or blocked all together from my sight. The "issue" is getting easier to live with, even easier to accept. But sometimes it brings me so darn low, that I can hardly breath. It sucks the joy right out of me. It robs me of sleep. It robs me of laughter.

My precious husband took me on another wonderful cruise a few weeks ago. He wanted me to get a chance to get away from the pain. And it was wonderful. I relaxed, rested and laughed more than I have in a year. It was so nice to escape. I can still access that feeling. I can still call to mind the warmth of the sun, the sound of the water, and the peaceful joy it gave me. I wish I could go back! I wish I could just walk away from the broken heart.

But I can't. I need to trust my God. I am claiming that "His grace is sufficient". I will rest in Him, and know that what breaks my heart, breaks His as well. I know that He is not happy with this "issue" either. And I will trust that in His time, He will act. Until that day. His grace will be sufficient for me. I am leaning on the Everlasting Arms...and He will fill me with all that I need for today.

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