Saturday, September 3, 2011

Beyond Words

We went to a funeral today.  One that should never needed to be had.  How could one so young feel that he had nothing to live for?  So many people who loved him.  So many friends.  And such a cruel, violent choice.  He must have been ill.  A rational mind would never consider something that would impact so many people.  How could someone do such a thing, and know that he would be bringing his family infinite amounts of pain and desperate sorrow?  I don't understand, and cannot comprehend such thinking.  I can't wrap my mind around the reasons.  I guess I would be better off not trying.  

Lord, we can't understand certain things that happen in this world.  But you do.  You know.  I pray that this one knew you...that you are now wrapping your arms around him.  I pray that you would embrace his parents, sisters, nieces and nephews.   Lift them up, strengthen them.  Give them rest.  Comfort them, Lord...hold them in your arms. Amen

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