Friday, June 19, 2009

Learning to say "baby"!

I've talked about the "honest transparency" that I would need to have...but yet waited to make it public. As if keeping it inside myself will make it "not true". My daughter is pregnant. It's been hard to say the words...and yet, I'm learning to be excited about the gift that this little baby boy is from God. The timing is all wrong...this was supposed to happen AFTER the "fairytale princess wedding"...not before. I am so grateful that God is forgiving, and that He can (and will) take what the enemy meant for evil, and use it for good. I am grateful that my daughter is still a princess, because we have a forgiving Father in Heaven. She has a hard road ahead of her...but God will be right next to her all along the way. I pray that God blesses her, her son, and the baby's father. I pray that they will become a family that chooses to seek Him, chooses to love Him, and chooses to follow Him and obey.

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