Friday, July 31, 2009

"Pro-Life" means "Pro-Mother"

I honestly had no idea that a crisis pregnancy could be so traumatic to an entire family. I used to think that it was certainly not easy, but that one would just have to accept it, and move on. But I am learning that it is a situation that is not only life altering for the "mother-to-be", but it also has profound affects on parents, siblings, and friends. Not to mention one's church family.

The Pro-Life stand that my church has taken has always been dear to my heart. I was told once, by a pastor's wife that it "isn't enough to be Pro-Life, you have to also be Pro-Mother". It's easy to say the words, but is it easy to walk that walk? Is it enough to say "NO" to abortion, but is it easy to walk beside the woman who chooses life? Once she chooses life, do we forget about her and go on to our next challenge? In the mean time, she is pregnant, confused, and wondering what she will do when this little one comes. Is it easier for us when this mother is a nameless stranger who we are helping with our denotations? Are we only willing to walk along side her when she meets our requirements for "worthiness"? Is this child as much of a gift from God as the child conceived in wedlock? THIS CHILD IS NOT SIN...THIS CHILD IS EQUALLY AS PRECIOUS IN GOD'S EYES AS THE CHILD WE CELEBRATE IN A MARRIED FAMILY!

I feel that we may all have a double standard. Perhaps it is because we have convinced ourselves that unplanned pregnancies only happen to women who haven't been brought up in the church. Perhaps we have convinced ourselves that this only happens to "other people's daughters". Well I'm here to tell you it happens to OUR daughters, to MY daughter, to YOUR daughter. This daughter needs YOUR support. She needs the support of her church. Even if she is too embarrassed to attend services, she NEEDS her church to understand, and to show her love. If she believes she is being judged and looked down upon, what reason will she have to EVER return?

Even if you don't agree with her choices...Show her that LOVE! She already feels condemnation...she feels it EVERY DAY. She doesn't need her church to remind her of her sin...she looks down and sees it EVERY DAY. To be Pro-Life means to be "Pro-Mother, and "Pro-Baby". This baby is every bit as valuable to God as any other baby. He/She is not the "sin". He is the amazing work of our loving Heavenly Father, and for this we should celebrate!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Out With the Old

In 1994 we got a big oval swimming pool just in time for my step-daughter's 16th birthday. We had a beautiful deck built as well. We had a fun party for her. Many summer parties have centered around this pool, and it has provided hours of fun. My youngest daughter would even swim on days that were chilly and overcast. She loved the pool! I even remember my dad, who died in '96, playing volley ball with us in the water. He loved swimming!

As I write this, there is a crew of guys tearing down that deck. It's gotten old, and is rotting in places. The pool is still here for now. We tried to open it this year...but it has a huge leak that we haven't been able to locate. Over the years, we've repaired it, put in a new liner, bought a new filter, etc. We're thinking that it's time for that pool to go too. The kids are grown, and have many other things to do besides swim in our yard. The time, money, and energy it takes to keep it usable isn't worth the amount of use that the pool gets.

Yet...I am sad. Did I mention that I really don't like change? It's hard to watch it come down. "Nothing stays the same"...I learned that from my husband a long time ago. I still need to learn that good things come from getting rid of old things. I need to learn that you have to clean out the old, rotten stuff to make room for new fun, and new joy. New joy will's right around the corner!

Monday, July 20, 2009

For some reason, I was awake really early this morning. Sad thoughts I guess. When I woke up, I was crying. I didn't even know why, but I think it was about my job. Sometimes it's hard to stay positive. Even knowing that God is in control, I still feel vulnerable. I can't help the hurt feelings. I try to give it to God as soon as it starts to swell up in me, but I'm only human. I'm grateful that He knows that.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

I honestly don't think I can handle one more stressful thing.


I am finding that one nice thing about getting older is that when change comes your way, you know it isn't going to kill you. You see, I tend to only move when God moves me. I like it when things stay the same. I've worked for the same contract agency for almost 20 years now. And during those 20 years, I've worked in quite a few different places. I've also been forced to leave a few places that I really loved. The cool thing? After I've gotten used to things, most of the time I find that I end up liking the new assignment even better than the last one. It appears that it is time for a change again. I'm grateful that God has provided what looks like will be my next assignment immediately (it's really hard when there is a big time of uncertainty). I won't be going far from home. Rather than the dread that usually goes with this kind of change, I'm feeling a little bit of excitement. See...I've learned to know that God loves me, and if this new placement isn't exactly what I want...He may well be protecting me from a whole lot of stress and frustration in the placement I've left behind. I'm learning to see the rainbow at the very beginning of the storm! "And we know that in all things God works for good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose". Life has been very unsettled for me and my family lately, but I know for certian that God is up to something! And for that reason, I can't wait to see what happens next!